This implementation of Backgammon is © 1993 by Aaron Barnett. You may freely copy, distribute and use this program, but you may not alter or sell it. Rules To begin each game, a die of each color is rolled. The player whose color shows the highest takes the first move using both numbers shown on the dice. The white pieces move in a pattern from the top left corner to the right side of the board, then down and ending up in the bottom left side of the board. The black pieces move similarly but beginning at the bottom left and ending at the top left. Not all pieces begin at the respective beginning (some pieces start near the end) but are restricted in direction of movement. A player may use the dice in a variety of ways. Two pieces can be moved, each corresponding to one die, or one piece can be move for both of the dice, moving the amount of one die followed by the other. ‘Doubles’ count as four dice that can be used in any combination. If it is possible for both dice to be used they must be used regardless of how undesirable the situation. If only one dice or the other can be used, the higher of the two must be used. If all doubles cannot be used, the player must use as many as possible. A piece may be moved to any vacant point, a point with its own players pieces on it, or to any point occupied by only one of the opponents pieces. In the latter case, the opponent’s piece is placed on the bar, at the center of the board. A player with pieces on the bar must move them off before any other pieces move. Pieces on the bar return to the board at the player’s ‘beginning.’ When a player has moved all of his pieces into the last quarter of the board, pieces may be moved off the board to the left. If a die’s number is greater than the furthest occupied point, it may be used to remove the furthest piece. When a player’s turn is over, the dice are rolled by clicking in the area of the dice on the right side of the board or by selecting ‘Roll’ from the ‘Game’ menu. A player may double the stakes of the game on his turn by clicking the doubling dice on the right side of the board or by selecting ‘Double Game’ from the ‘Game’ menu. When a player doubles the game, he may not double it again unless the opponent doubles the game. If an opponent refuses the double he loses the game at its previous value. A game ends when one player removes all of his pieces from the board. If one player removes all of his pieces before any of the opponents pieces have been removed, the opponent is ‘Gammoned’ and loses at double the game value. The ‘Turkish’ option makes the clicking sound louder as the turks tend to make more noise during play. Authors Corner This implementation of Backgammon was a final project for an independent study my senior year of college. Please send me bug reports, suggestions, or comments and I will do my best to respond. Currently there is no option to have a computer opponent. If enough interest is raised, the option may appear. Special thanks to Ron Gregg, Tracy Barnett, Steve Owens, and all the folks at and Aaron Barnett 6605 Bellview Dr. Columbia, MD 21046